Things to Know Before You Go to Warsaw

Explore the resilient spirit of Warsaw with our guide on essential things to know before you go to Warsaw. Let’s uncover the city’s dramatic history and vibrant rebirth one layer at a time!

Woman gazing at Wilanow Palace in Warsaw.

Warsaw, poised on the banks of the Vistula River, tells a story of resilience and rebirth. Nearly obliterated during World War II, today’s Warsaw is a dynamic blend of sleek skyscrapers and rich cultural heritage. 

As we peel back the layers of this fascinating city, keep these essential things to know before you go to Warsaw in mind to enrich your exploration of Poland’s “Phoenix City.”


When visiting Warsaw, the city’s fascinating blend of history and modernity surely offers something for every type of traveler. 

Here’s how to make the most of your visit, covering the essential things to know before you go to Warsaw:

When to Go and How Much to Bring

  • Best Seasons: Warsaw is usually most radiant in spring and fall when the weather is mild and the city’s parks are in full bloom.
  • Festivals: Don’t miss events like the Warsaw Film Festival in October and the Long Night of Museums in May.
  • Budgeting: Expect daily expenses to range from PLN 200-400 (approx. $50-$100). Budget travelers can get by on less, especially when utilizing cost-saving tips like city tourist cards.

Where to Stay

How to Get Around

Navigating Warsaw is easy with its efficient public transportation network, including buses, trams, and the metro. But for more flexibility, consider renting a bike or using ride-sharing apps such as Uber.

Aerial view of Warsaw’s Old Town. 


Understanding local customs and the social etiquette of Warsaw is always key to a respectful and enjoyable visit. 

With that, here are some culture-centered things to know before you go to Warsaw:

Local Customs and Etiquette

  • Greetings: In Poland, a firm handshake with direct eye contact is common. But do make sure to greet every person individually in a group.
  • Dress Codes: Poles dress smartly for most occasions. When visiting religious sites, the preferred attire is always a modest get up.

Language Tips

While many Poles, especially younger ones and those working in tourism, speak English, learning some basic Polish phrases like “Dzień dobry” (Good day) or “Dziękuję” (Thank you) will be appreciated. 

But when navigating local menus or signs, a translation app can be very handy especially if it’s your first visit.


Warsaw is a city of layers, each offering unique sights and experiences

Here’s a quick guide to the must-do things to know before you go to Warsaw:

Must-Visit Attractions

  • The Royal Castle: A true symbol of Polish heritage and resilience.
  • Wilanów Palace: Often referred to as “Little Versailles,” it’s a splendid Baroque palace with beautiful gardens.
  • Warsaw Uprising Museum: Dedicated to the 1944 uprising, this museum provides a deep dive into one of the most pivotal events in Polish history.

Food and Drink

You can never go wrong exploring the flavors of Poland with dishes like pierogi (dumplings) and bigos (hunter’s stew). 

But for an authentic local dining experience, try eateries in the Praga district or enjoy a meal at one of the upscale restaurants in the city center.

Local Experiences

  • Chopin Concerts: Enjoy live piano concerts held in Łazienki Park, celebrating the legacy of Frederic Chopin.
  • Vistula Boulevards: Perfect for a relaxing stroll or a cycling tour along the river.
Vibrant market square in Warsaw.


Warsaw is generally a safe destination for groups and solo travelers alike. Of course, it always pays to remain cautious in less crowded areas at night. Standard travel vaccinations are advised, and the tap water in Warsaw is mostly safe to drink. Access to high-quality medical care is also readily available. 

Remembering these essential things to know before you go to Warsaw will help ensure you’ll have a safe and healthy trip.

More Things to Know Before You Go to Warsaw with ThisCityKnows

Warsaw’s rich tapestry of history, vibrant culture, and modern amenities make it a must-visit destination. From its resilient spirit to its architectural wonders, the city offers a unique European experience. Keep these insights in mind as they are your key to unlocking a memorable journey to Poland’s capital.

Eager to experience the charm of Warsaw? 

Plan your travels with ThisCityKnows and discover the city’s majestic beauty. Let us help you craft a journey that’s as enriching as it is enlightening!

Patty O.
Author: Patty O.

A city girl through and through, Patty has always planned her adventures in and around urban areas. Through her travel writing, she aims to make a compelling case for the global city as a place of endless discovery and satisfaction. Her goal is to detail how urban exploration can fulfill the desires of anyone and everyone, from cultural and culinary adventurers to historical and supernatural enthusiasts.

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