Author: Katie

Houses by the lake in Italy

Planning A Trip To Italy: A Quick Starter Guide

A gondola winding through a canal in Venice

Things to Know Before You Go to Venice, Italy

The Bund in Shanghai, China at night

Things to Know Before You Go to Shanghai, China

A panoramic shot of Prague during the day

Things to Know Before You Go to Prague, Czech Republic

The view of the sunset in Orange Beach

Things to Know Before You Go to Orange Beach, Alabama

The iconic “HOLLYWOOD” sign in Los Angeles

Things to Know Before You Go to Los Angeles, California

A panoramic view of Moscow during the day

Things to Know Before You Go to Moscow, Russia

A row of colorful houses in Copenhagen

Things to Know Before You Go to Copenhagen, Denmark

The Grand Palace in Bangkok with trees in the foreground

Things to Know Before You Go to Bangkok, Thailand

Aerial shot of houses and buildings in Lisbon

Things to Know Before You Go to Lisbon, Portugal