Author: Patty O.

Couple enjoying canal-side dining in Amsterdam

Things to Know Before You Go to Amsterdam

Shoppers inside Milan's historic shopping mall

Things to Know Before You Go to Milan

Climbers celebrating their Himalayan ascent

Things to Know Before You Go to the Himalayas

Children watching Northern Lights in Norway

Things to Know Before You Go to Norway

Woman in front of Chinese temple doors

Things to Know Before You Go to Beijing

Classic cars on a street in Cuba

Things to Know Before You Go to Cuba

Camping by fire in the Australian Outback

Things to Know Before You Go to the Australian Outback

A female traveler taking a selfie with historic buildings in Rome, a popular solo travel destination in Italy.

9 Popular Solo Travel Destinations in Italy to Visit This 2024

A solo traveler sporting an expression of excitement and wonder as she meanders through the best places to travel solo in Europe

9 Best Places to Travel Solo in Europe This 2024

A solo male traveler all wrapped up, getting ready to board the bus for a domestic exploration.

9 Best Places to Solo Travel in the US in 2024