Category: Travel Resources

Sunrise from Table Mountain with tourists and panoramic views of Cape Town and the ocean.

Things to Know Before You Go to Cape Town: Mountains and History

Early morning on Ponte Vecchio in Florence, with pedestrians and cyclists, the Arno river reflecting colorful old buildings.

Things to Know Before You Go to Florence: Renaissance Art and Tuscan Cuisine

Hand holding a phone capturing the Colosseum in Rome

Things to Know Before You Go to Rome: Ancient Ruins and Italian Cuisine

A woman gazing at the Northern Lights from a plane

Things to Know Before You Go to Iceland: Fire, Ice, and Northern Lights

A woman captivated by the golden glow of a Bangkok temple

Things to Know Before You Go to Bangkok (Thailand): Temples and Street Food

A row of colorful houses in Copenhagen

Things to Know Before You Go to Copenhagen, Denmark

A panoramic view of Moscow during the day

Things to Know Before You Go to Moscow, Russia

Things to Know Before You Go to Singapore: A Futuristic Cityscape

Sunset at Dubai Marina with luxury yachts and skyscrapers reflected in the calm water.

Things to Know Before You Go to Dubai: Luxury and Tradition

Autumn colors in Stanley Park with cyclists and joggers on the seawall, Vancouver skyline in the distance.

Things to Know Before You Go to Vancouver: Natural Beauty and Urban Charm