5 Must-See Attractions near Rhodes, Greece, for a Truly Mythic Visit

Walk in the footsteps of legends at these must-see attractions near Rhodes, Greece—all rich with history, mystery, and breathtaking scenery.

Tourist at the Medieval City of Rhodes.

The Colossus of Rhodes was said to have stood about 105 feet (the Statue of Liberty, in comparison, is 151 feet), making it the tallest statue of the ancient world

Though it only remains in depictions, other must-see attractions near Rhodes, Greece, will certainly complete a perfect picture of this island’s history:

1. The Acropolis of Lindos

Perched dramatically on a cliff, the Acropolis of Lindos is a Hellenistic stronghold that features remnants of temples and ancient fortifications. Visitors can explore the ancient theater and the Temple of Athena for a fully immersive experience surrounded by classical architecture

Oh! And did we mention the view from here isn’t half-bad, either?

2. The Medieval City of Rhodes

The Medieval City of Rhodes is considered as the largest preserved medieval town in Europe. Now as you walk along its cobblestone streets, you’ll instantly be surrounded by centuries-old buildings and the enduring legacy of the Knights of St. John. 

That makes this UNESCO World Heritage Site undoubtedly one of the top must-see attractions near Rhodes, Greece. And if you ask us, it’s absolutely perfect for those who revel in exploring the region’s rich cultural heritage and intricate medieval architecture!

Visitors sitting at The Acropolis of Lindos.

3. The Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes

Now that you’re in the Medieval City, how about stopping by the Palace of the Grand Master? This 14th-century fortress now houses a museum displaying historical artifacts that narrate the island’s rich past. Moreover, Its architecture and the extensive collection of mosaics are particularly mesmerizing, making it another pivotal must-see attraction near Rhodes, Greece. 

Of course, depending on your visit, you can also catch the palace’s seasonal exhibitions and cultural events for which you can secure a ticket here!

4. The Acropolis of Rhodes

Okay, that’s two acropolises now that marry the past with panoramic views! But since the Acropolis of Rhodes was once the hub of Hellenistic Rhodes and features the remains of temples and an ancient stadium, ew reckon you’d truly want to see this. 

Meanwhile, the restored Theatre of the Acropolis hosts occasional performances, offering tourists a unique opportunity to enjoy ancient dramas in an authentic setting. 

Medieval courtyard in Rhodes, Greece.

5. Ancient Kamiros

The lost city of Ancient Kamiros certainly provides a snapshot of daily life in an ancient Greek city. Here, you’ll get to walk on well-preserved streets and remnants of what were once houses. 

And for history enthusiasts and casual explorers alike, it’s good to note that Kamiros is truly an enchanting must-see attraction near Rhodes, Greece. Just be sure to bring a hat and wear sunscreen as this “Pompeii of Greece” sits on an exposed hillside.

Discover More Must-See Attractions Near Rhodes, Greece, with ThisCityKnows

If you never thought you could walk in the footsteps of gods and knights, these must-see attractions near Rhodes, Greece, are ready to prove you wrong. For a getaway that is literally legendary, look no further than this corner of the Aegean. 

And for more insights and guides to historic locations, let ThisCityKnows be your travel companion.

Plan your Greek getaway today with ThisCityKnows!

Felicity Knowles
Author: Felicity Knowles

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